Kisai Goes to Campus #1 at ISI Padangpanjang

Padang, – On November 15, 2023, In a groundbreaking initiative, Kisai Entertainment embarked on its first-ever campus visit to Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Padangpanjang in West Sumatera, specifically to the Visual Communication Design program. The event took place on November 14-15, 2023, featuring an engaging workshop on comic illustration.

Day 1: Unveiling the World of Webtoons

The inaugural day commenced with a warm welcome from ISI Padangpanjang, followed by an insightful introduction to Kisai Entertainment, followed by two enlightening sessions by Kisai Entertainment. The first session delved into the universe of webtoons, covering concepts, and a glimpse into the creation process. The second session focused on character design, allowing students to actively participate in the sketching and base color processes. With a concise brief, students were encouraged to showcase their creativity, receiving hands-on guidance from Kisai’s CEO, Tessa Y.P., and our art directors, Rucita and Caca.

Day 2: Mastering the Art of Coloring

The second day featured an engaging workshop on coloring. Kisai Entertainment provided valuable insights, tips, and tricks on coloring techniques, complemented by a live coloring demonstration by Kak Caca. The enthusiasm among students during the coloring session was exciting. Several students expressed that such workshops on coloring were a rarity. With this Kisai’s workshop, they discovered new techniques, such as creating a glowing effect, utilizing CSP assets, and many more. The students emphasized that these coloring techniques were not only beneficial for webtoon production but also applicable across various aspects of the Visual Communication Design field. The coloring session included practical exercises, accompanied by live quality control. Students worked on their illustrations to be colored, simultaneously brainstorming with the Kisai team.

Inspiring Future Webtoonist

Kisai Goes to Campus aims not only to educate students about the world of webtoon art but also to foster a greater appreciation for this medium. This ongoing initiative seeks to empower aspiring artists, and enrich the creative landscape. Kisai Entertainment looks forward to future editions of Kisai Goes to Campus, anticipating continued collaboration with educational institutions to promote and celebrate webtoon art.

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